Why Fall is better than summer...

Island in the lake
Fall is better than summer for many reasons. The lack of people and bugs are just two of them. It's not that I'm antisocial. I feel for those people who had to go back to the city for work or school. Really I do. But just for a few weeks in Spring and Fall I live the dream of pretending to live in the wilderness.
Walking in the woods
Hiking in the woods is one of those things which is so much more fun in Fall than Summer here in the Laurentians. In Summer you are not alone. There are a million mosquitos around you to ruin a good walk. This last few weeks we have been experiencing the miracle of bug-free hiking. The picture above is on one of our walks on ski trails.
The forest floor

At our feet there are mushrooms galore, fallen trees left to rot and surprisingly, acorns. If I knew anything about mushrooms I would pick them and fry them but stories of poisoning fill my mind and I am left to wonder what proportion of those I see are actually dangerous.
Evening rowboat 
So as we live out the last few days of our extended summer season here at the lake we try and make the most of our incredible luck. We run around the lake, we swim in it (with some swear words uttered) and we gaze at the colours as they do their thing and become more beautiful every day.
See more pictures on my Dear England, Love Canada Facebook page and don't forget to like me while you're there.


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