Shameless self-promotion

There's no-one home today as I've written a guest blog for talesofabritabroad about life in Montreal. She's not banging on about how great Canada is again is she? I hear you say. Why not have a look?

The site is run by travel writer Kate Turner who used to live in Madrid, writes for Rough Guides and the Travel Belles and now lives in London and writes a second blog thisreluctantlondoner.

Listen in for my report on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour on Friday. 10am for Brits. Canadians it's an early start I'm afraid. You can listen to it live at 5am. Good news is it remains on the web forever from Friday.  

It's a strange and controversial tale from deep in the Canadian woods. I joined a group of women who were learning how to hunt bear. I was only armed with a recording device, the rest had rifles. I will be blogging about the whole experience on Friday.


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